To the South

Paddling back we said. Yep but we ran out of water again, this time seawater because of the tide. We had to walk four miles and finally reached a channel. We paddled back to Montagu campground. Weirdly paddling back. We decided to go to the south coast by car but on the following day the weather was so good we wanted to give it another try. In the meantime everyone took good care of us. 

Unfortunatly when we mist some of the good day's before we reached Mararwa and where back on track again. We paddle to Bluff Hill Point ( Arthur River) Then we got the message that a lot of wind would come our way. Meaning that we got stuck again for day's. Since this is our fourth week already we decided to withdraw from this coast. At least we have some day's left for the south and East coast. 

We paddled back again and on a surf beach along the way we met wonderful people. They drove us all the way back to Wynyard a place where we could rent a gar to get us to Paul's cousin in Galcier Bay near Hobart where we can pick up our trip from the south coast to hopefully Devonport. 

We now have a wonderful stay at Glaziers Bay with Freda and Aaron. Anyone can stay at there lovely place

Tomorrow we will leave this lovely place and paddle the Huon River back to the ocean.