Today rest day. Vandaag rustdag.
On a day of rest there is time for an Icelandic poem:
Dalabóndinn í óþurrknum
Hví svo þrúðgu þú þokuhlassi súldanorn um sveitir ekur? Þér man eg offra til árbóta kú og konu og kristindómi.
The Farmer in Wet Weather
Goddess of drizzle, driving your big cartloads of mist across my fields! Send me some sun and I’ll sacrifice my cow — my wife — my Christianity!
Date: 1826-8. Greetings from Gerard
Hallo luitjes.
Rust maar lekker uit.Groetjes uit Cornjum.
On a day of rest there is time for an Icelandic poem:
Dalabóndinn í óþurrknum
Hví svo þrúðgu þú
um sveitir ekur?
Þér man eg offra
til árbóta
kú og konu
og kristindómi.
The Farmer in Wet Weather
Goddess of drizzle,
driving your big
cartloads of mist
across my fields!
Send me some sun
and I’ll sacrifice
my cow — my wife —
my Christianity!
Greetings from Gerard
Hallo luitjes.
Rust maar lekker uit.
Groetjes uit Cornjum.